пятница, 10 января 2020 г.


Lingua Latina - Vergil: I have recently decided to resume studying Latin after a decades-long break after studying it in college. This book will help you actually read the book instead of just analyzing each and every sentence analytically by looking at the endings of each word as if it is a secret code. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. The most comprehensive treatment of Latin grammar available in an elementary textbook A vocabulary of almost 1, words, reinforced by constant and creatively phrased repetition, vastly expands the potential for later sight reading A complete line of ancillary volumes, exercises, and readers both in print and online Seasoned secondary and college teachers often find their own reading facility enhanced by using Lingua Latina. I never properly learned the language, as a result.

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By illustratx this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies. If you are a complete beginner of Latin and is looking for a complete textbook that covers everything you need with elaborate guides and explanations, this is NOT the book to use.

Lingua Latina per se Illustrata: Pars I: Familia Romana

From Wikipedia, the free oatina. It is also the most popular text for teachers, at both the secondary and collegiate levels, who wish to incorporate conversational skills into their classroom practice. This book has been on my Amazon wishlist for a long time, so I found it an amazing luck. This book was exactly what I was looking for, and I wish that I had discovered it sooner. You learn Latin through illustrations llatina simple explanation in pure Latin; you will find no English in this book at all.

Lingua Latina - Familia Romana

Sometimes, I couldnt pay attention to all lines because there were too I have read the manual on Latin. The book does get harder quite quickly probably rather too quicklyso students need to be prepared to concentrate and use understanding of other languages they've learnt. I have read the manual on Latin. The glossary in the back is entirely in Latin, the footnotes are in Latin, the exercises at the ends of the chapters are in Latin.

Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Mar 12, Philip rated it it was amazing Shelves: I think LL is excellent. As long as Latin is only taught to competent adult volunteers i. Rest assured, with the appropriate amount of time and effort, you'll be able to read things as challenging as Saint Augustine and the Venerable Bede if you have a dictionary beside you—poetry, and some of the more classical stuff, I'm afraid, may still give you a bit of a headache.

But it's fun figuring it out, and having moments of lightbulbs lighting in your head.

Hans Ørberg - Wikipedia

Even though it also strengthened my ability to both write and speak in Latin, it was my ability to understand texts and to sight read that was most improved. Lingua Latina per se Illustrata. A larger vocab you can always pickup later.

And now, a homage to those who suffered through Latin in school! He taught at various Danish high schools until and at the Grenaa Gymnasium until Motivation to learn has to be strong - so volunteers only.

An excellent introductory Latin textbook with a pure immersion approach. Oh, and I guess also the best language learning book I've ever come across. Return to Book Page.

This is the textbook we use in my Latin class! A great book, really!

Lingua Latina per se Illustrata: Pars I: Familia Romana by Hans Henning Ørberg

At least one of the accompanying grammar companions either the College Companion or the Latine Disco is advisable, particularly if you plan to read through the book without an instructor to help you grasp some of the grammar.

Home Contact us Help Free delivery worldwide. These exercises ask the student to manipulate the grammar of Latin sentences rather than to translate. But I still couldn't read fluently and resorted to the unnatural way of reading that is often taught with Latin: Next, I will exhort you to check out the following resources about learning Latin, from which all my opinions are derived anyway and which is supported fully by my subjective experience: This illudtrata a college level illushrata, and it took me well i,lustrata two years to struggle through, and the last three or so chapters were so difficult that they alone took me more than six months, but in the end, this was definitely worth it, and I will certainly be rereading this book again in the future.

Mar 02, Eugenio Fouz rated it really liked it. My number one book to recommend to anyone who wants to learn Latin.

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